Oct 6, 2011

Thursday Threads: Ask Anna Blog

As anyone can see from my Party page, I love to link up projects and posts throughout the week. Not only do link parties increase blog traffic, but it is fun to see what is going on in Blogland! Yesterday I discovered a fun blog, Ask Anna.

Within the first few minutes of browsing her blog, I learned three new {easy} tricks to clean my home and make life easier! How to clean a fiberglass shower stall = easy! I literally closed my computer and ran upstairs to clean. How often does that happen?!


I am amazed because tips and tricks like these usually come at a high price or use some gimmicky product. Anna shares attainable and affordable ways to clean and tidy your home. Most projects use household items including baking soda, white vinegar, and hairspray! You will be amazed at what lemons can do!

Miss C thought it would be fun to draw on my shirt with a pen last week. I have a stain remover for that, but it didn't work. I stumbled upon this fabulous trick to remove ink stains. It uses only ONE simple household item. Stain is gone! Thank you!

The cleaning tips and tricks list is awesome, but Anna has many other fortes! She also shares organizing tips, tutorial wish lists, and her favorite cleaning products for each room of the house. And...she is SO friendly and has the cutest family!

Thank you Anna for allowing me to share my excitement with my readers. Be sure to visit Ask Anna and tell her hello...don't forget to ask your burning question!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the feature! I'm glad my tips were able to help you out. :)



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