Sep 1, 2011

Thursday Threads: Fall Pinspiration

Life is busy, busy this week. Mr. E starts his first day {second year} of 'school' today. I am also planning his third birthday party for this Saturday. It's crunch time! The temperatures outside are finally bearable and even enjoyable. The mornings have that cool, damp feel and the breeze leaves a certain clean smell of a new season in the air.

Some people LOVE fall and are giddy with excitement with first signs of colored leaves and different shades of apples. One such person is my dear sister-in-law {you may know her as Sparkly Sandy}. Sandy introduced me to my wonderful hubby. Our meeting was by sheer 'accident'...a story for another day. Unfortunately, Sandy has recently suffered a very severe bilateral ankle injury. Things could have been worse, but she has a long road to recovery. She is one of my dearest friends and I know God will keep her going through thick and thin! Please send your thoughts and prayers. I love ya sis!

We are gearing up to enjoy the cooler weather and fun that fall brings. Hope this inspires you as well for the coming season!
Fall Pinspiration

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