Jun 16, 2011

Thursday Threads - The Fabulous, The Magnificent...OXYBOIL!

Today I have the most amazing secret to share! It the strongest stain fighter I know. It's OXYBOIL!

Having kids, most laundry is stained and I am always pre-treating little tops and pants. Miss C loves to smear banana on her shirts and it is a TOUGH stain to fight. Recently, her banana stains will not budge despite trying enzyme stain treatment and Motsenbocker Lift Off {this is great for mustard though}.

Stubborn Banana Stains

Oxyboil to the rescue! In the past I have had mixed results using this method. I had nothing to lose...this was my last resort.

Here is the secret potion!

1} Boil 2 pots of water & pour them into your sink. I boiled a large pot and mixed everything in the pot. I think this method worked better since my sink never holds water well.
2} Add clothes, making sure there is enough water to cover the clothes.
3} Add 2 scoops of Oxyclean.

4} Stir with a WOODEN spoon (NOT metal, plastic would be fine too).
Keeping the clothes covered can be tricky. Here is my solution!

5} Let sit until water is cool, overnight if it is a heavy stain.
6} Wash as usual and voila! Goodbye stain!
It worked like a charm! I let it soak overnight and all stains were gone. I'm not sure HOW it works, but it does. In my experience, extreme heat sets stains...somehow, someway this potion is magic. Everything was washed through a normal cycle and this was the end result.
  And here is the before again...what a transformation!!

I am so glad Miss C has her cute clothes back to looking like NEW!

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