May 17, 2011

A few things...

...about me.

  • I love comfy pants
  • I am addicted to eBay
  • Huge pet peeve when people do not use headlights in the rain
  • I get most of my milk requirement from ice cream and the ¼ cup added to my coffee
  • I am not a morning person
  • I hate getting pedicures
  • I alter Ju Ju Be diaper bags for Pink Ladies
  • I secretly want an entire weekend to be locked in the mall to shop alone
  • I do not like ice in my beverages
  • I visit the dentist at least 5-8 times a year…they are that bad
  • I am addicted to cardigans
  • Love my family and how close we are
  • Enjoy event planning
  • I hate who I become when sleep deprived
  • I would like to be blonde for a day…just to see how I would look
  • I have a sweet tooth - NOT a secret
  • There is something nostalgic about toothpaste pants (aka: aqua colored clothing)
  • I miss my shoes…the stylish variety that I wore pre-babies
....that is all for now

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